Benefit of Yoga in Short

Yoga is good for your body and mind in many ways. Its been a tradition long ago to practice yoga in many different place and momentum reaping the benefits, Some of them are:

  • Yoga makes you stronger, steadier and more flexible
  • Yoga eases your back pain and arthritis signs
  • Yoga protects your heart by lowering stress and inflammation
  • Yoga calms you, helps you sleep well, and boosts your energy and mood
  • Yoga helps you deal with stress and distress
  • Yoga links you with a friendly community
While you are reading this short post, you might want to check out my long music video that i use for Yoga.

HERE's the Podcast link -->  Click this link


Most commonly, Yoga being practices for stress relief.

Yoga is beneficial for stress relief. Yoga can reduce your stress by:

  • Enhancing your mood and boosting your mindfulness and self-compassion
  • Bettering your breathing and helping you calm your body and mind
  • Performing physical poses that can relieve tension and promote your health
  • Emptying your mind and lowering negative thoughts.

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