Showing posts with label Meditation Music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation Music. Show all posts

Benefit of Yoga in Short

Yoga is good for your body and mind in many ways. Its been a tradition long ago to practice yoga in many different place and momentum reaping the benefits, Some of them are:

  • Yoga makes you stronger, steadier and more flexible
  • Yoga eases your back pain and arthritis signs
  • Yoga protects your heart by lowering stress and inflammation
  • Yoga calms you, helps you sleep well, and boosts your energy and mood
  • Yoga helps you deal with stress and distress
  • Yoga links you with a friendly community
While you are reading this short post, you might want to check out my long music video that i use for Yoga.

HERE's the Podcast link -->  Click this link


Most commonly, Yoga being practices for stress relief.

Yoga is beneficial for stress relief. Yoga can reduce your stress by:

  • Enhancing your mood and boosting your mindfulness and self-compassion
  • Bettering your breathing and helping you calm your body and mind
  • Performing physical poses that can relieve tension and promote your health
  • Emptying your mind and lowering negative thoughts.

Yoga For Beginner

 Yoga has many advantages, such as making you more flexible, strong, steady, and calm.

You’ll need clothes that are comfy and let you move easily, like shorts or leggings and a t-shirt or tank top. You’ll also need a mat or a soft place to do yoga on.

There are different types and levels of yoga, so you’ll want to choose one that fits your needs and goals. You can learn the basic poses and sequences from a video or a book, or join a class at a studio or online to get help from a teacher.


LINK ->>>             Check out my Yoga Music Podcast from shorter duration right up to longer duration music.

Some of the easy poses for beginners are:

Child’s pose: Sit on your heels and bend forward, putting your forehead on the mat and your arms next to you or in front of you. This is a relaxing pose that loosens your back and hips.

Downward-facing dog: Start on your hands and knees, then push your hips up and back, making your legs and arms straight. Push your palms and heels into the mat and make your spine long. This is an energizing pose that makes your arms, legs, and core stronger.

Mountain pose: Stand with your feet together or apart as wide as your hips, and your arms next to you or over your head. Squeeze your legs and core, and let your shoulders relax. This is a grounding pose that helps your posture and balance.

Warrior I: Step one foot back and turn it a little out, keeping your front knee over your ankle. Raise your arms over your head and look up. This is a powerful pose that opens your legs, hips, chest, and shoulders.

Tree pose: Stand on one leg and press the other foot to your inner thigh or calf (not the knee). Put your hands on your heart or over your head. This is a balancing pose that tests your focus and stability.

You can do these poses one by one or in a sequence, staying in each one for a few breaths or more. Remember to breathe deeply and smoothly while you do yoga, and pay attention to how your body feels. Don’t push yourself too hard in any position that could cause injury. 

Beautiful Waterfall with Relaxing Music, Soothing Music, Calm Music

Waterfalls are one of the most beautiful and soothing natural phenomena that can inspire relaxation and meditation. The sound of water cascading down rocks and splashing into pools creates a serene ambiance that can calm the mind and body. Relaxation music related to waterfall can enhance this effect by adding calming melodies and harmonies that match the rhythm and tone of the water.

Beautiful Wood Fire with Relaxing Music, Soothing Music, Calm Music

Beautiful Water Flow with Relaxing Music, Soothing Music, Calm Music

Best Snow Oak View with Relaxing Music, Soothing Music, Calm Music

Night Snow with Relaxing Music, Soothing Music, Calm Music